Municipality of Flémalle takes big step forward in its energy transition thanks to energy performance contract with Luminus Solutions

11 April 2022


On Friday 1 April 2022, Luminus Solutions signed a new energy performance contract of the short type for the energy renovation of several public buildings in the municipality of Flémalle. Thanks to this public contract from the RenoWatt purchasing centre, the municipality will be able to make considerable savings on its energy expenditure in the coming years.

After a two-year process of building visits, studies, meetings and negotiations, Luminus Solutions was awarded a short form energy performance contract and a Design & Build contract. As part of these two contracts, Luminus Solutions will carry out energy renovations in various municipal buildings in the coming months. These include the Sart d’Avette, Jean Beulers and Awirs schools, and the buildings of E-pole and the Public Works Department.


Consuming less to earn more

Marie Balland, Energy Advisor : « The municipality of Flémalle has been committed to energy transition for many years. Years in which we have had more and more varied and ambitious projects in development. The RenoWatt project is a great opportunity for us to give new impetus to the renovation of our buildings and be assisted by a team of professionals. It is a long-term project with a lot of technical and administrative work. We are therefore pleased that we can finally sign the contracts and look forward to the actual implementation of the renovations.»

In total, more than EUR 1.2 million worth of energy-saving measures will be implemented. This will enable the municipality to reduce the energy consumption of the buildings involved by over 30% and cut greenhouse gas emissions. And at the same time provide better comfort for the users.

The works will also have a positive impact on the local economy and employment. After all, Luminus Solutions will only work with local companies and will provide more than 1,260 hours for training or social economy companies. In this way, the project meets RenoWatt’s economic, social and climate objectives, and the government can reinforce its exemplary role.

Raoul Nihart, CEO Luminus Solutions : « In the current context of climate issues and rising energy prices, we are delighted that RenoWatt and the municipality of Flémalle have selected us to carry out this energy performance contract. And for the environment, this contract will sustainably reduce the buildings’ CO2 emissions by more than 30%.»


RenoWatt, facilitator of energy innovations in Wallonia

RenoWatt, an initiative of the Walloon government, is a one-stop shop that carries out energy audits and technical studies with a view to the energy renovation of public buildings, either through energy performance contracts (EPC) or design and build contracts (D&B).

Energy facilitator RenoWatt selects renovation-worthy buildings, bundles them, starts the public procurement procedures and accompanies public authorities in the implementation of the projects.

At present, RenoWatt has almost one hundred members (cities, municipalities, provinces, emergency and police zones, hospitals, etc.) and also makes its expertise available to other public authorities. It is supported by the ELENA investment programme, a joint initiative of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme.

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