
Feasibility & preliminary process

You don’t start an energy-saving project thoughtlessly. It is crucial to first weigh the possible scenarios against each other and thoroughly analyze both the technical and financial feasibility and the energy saving potential.

Such a preliminary process usually consists of several steps:

  • Mapping of the production process and existing heat production and distribution systems, as well as collection of all relevant data
  • Preparation of a longlist of potentially energy-saving concepts
  • High-level profitability analysis and determination of some preferred scenarios (the shortlist)
  • Detailed calculation of the savings potential of the retained scenarios
  • Rough budget estimate taking into account CAPEX, OPEX, energy prices, CO2 cost, subsidies, etc.
  • Drafting an energy plan and/or climate roadmap (see also Roadmapping)
  • Assistance in applying for grants or permits

What our expert has to say

“A preliminary study is often essential in a complex project, whether it is to achieve as much energy savings as possible, own energy production or secure critical processes.

There are always several options that need to be thoroughly weighed against each other. Our engineers can certainly help make the right choices here.”

Frederik Demaret
Project Development Manager
Luminus Solutions
