Luminus Solutions & Vanparijs Engineers: together we take on the challenge of energy transition

6 January 2021


The energy transition is at the heart of the public debate. How will we produce our energy in the future? How can we reduce our consumption? How will our actions today affect tomorrow? And is economic growth compatible with sustainable development? These are crucial questions that keep the social debate going. Some may get discouraged by it. But we gladly accept the challenge!

Luminus Solutions and VMI Engineering & Contracting are working towards the energy transition by investing in low-carbon and energy-efficient solutions for our customers and helping them to use less energy.

In 2019, we joined forces and resources to offer our b2b customers even more efficient and sustainable solutions, better adapted to their changing needs. The world is changing rapidly and the environment is of concern to all of us. Fortunately, the technologies and solutions for dealing with this are also evolving. Our ambition is to optimise our customers’ technical installations and improve the energy performance of their buildings.

Luminus Solutions and VMI have now completed a year of intensive cooperation in difficult circumstances caused by the health crisis. Today I am pleased to announce that during that year we were able to expand our service offerings and grow our business.

We have therefore decided to continue our collaboration under one name: Luminus Solutions.

With this rebranding, we want to highlight our unity and recognisability. With our actions, we want to help our customers to participate in the energy transition.

As an active player in the energy transition market, we are convinced that an economic development of our local industry is possible in a sustainable way, both from an ecological and an economic point of view. But that sometimes requires changes that are not always easy to make. Luminus Solutions is here to help its customers make this transition.

I would like to invite you to discover our wide range of services and our great achievements in our digital magazine. You read it here!

Raoul Nihart

CEO of Luminus Solutions and VMI Engineering & Contracting

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