Luminus publishes the most telling excerpts from its ninth sustainability report

4 June 2021


On the eve of World Environment Day, Luminus is publishing the most important achievements from its 2020 sustainability report. The company sets great store by transparency, which is why, since 2013, it has been the only energy producer and supplier in Belgium to report each year, on a voluntary basis, on its ethical, ecological, commercial and financial results. Luminus Solutions is proud to be able to contribute to this report with some beautiful realisations!

Building a CO2-neutral energy future

In 2020, numerous projects were carried out in schools, public buildings or hospitals, in companies and private individuals, in order to make them consume less energy or produce their own green energy and thus reduce their CO2 emissions.

Luminus invested 79.8 million euros in renewable energy last year and strengthened its leading position in onshore wind energy in Belgium. To involve citizens and businesses as much as possible in the energy transition in our country and the fight against climate change, Luminus founded its new cooperative Lumiwind. The company itself also managed to electrify a quarter of its fleet. This and other information about Luminus’ sustainability policy can be found in the extract with the most telling excerpts from the Sustainability Report 2020, published today:

A sustainability report unique to the sector

Luminus takes transparency very seriously and therefore reports its results every year, including on ethical, ecological and social issues. Luminus is the only Belgian energy producer and energy supplier to make such indicators public. Its Sustainability Report 2019 was recently awarded three prizes by the jury of the competition for the best Belgian sustainability report.

Grégoire Dallemagne, CEO Luminus: “We are delighted with the publication of our sustainability report, which explains in very concrete terms how the teams at Luminus are building a CO2-neutral energy future where protection of the planet, well-being and economic growth are reconciled thanks to electricity and innovative solutions and services.”

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