
Decarbonizing industrial processes

With many obligations at the national and European level), the industry faces a huge challenge in the coming years. How to move from fossil fuel-based heat generation to sustainable, carbon-free thermal generation with maximum heat recovery and electrification? By tackling it systematically for your entire site! We will help you go through all the steps. The decarbonization of industrial heat and cold production is a complex process involving many technologies.

blank Save energy
blank Green energy & electrification
blank Waste heat valorisation
blank Storing and distributing energy
blank Smart energy management

Save energy

by optimising your energy consumption and processes

Green energy & electrification

such as hot water, steam, electricity from wind, solar, soil, air, etc.

Waste heat valorisation

from cooling, wastewater, manufacturing, etc.

Storing and distributing energy

to optimise consumption or share energy with other consumers

Smart energy management

optimising the operation of energy resources

Do you want to make your heat production more sustainable?

Check here if your company has the potential to decarbonize.
Answer 4 short questions and get immediate insight.

What our expert has to say

“Despite the pressure from the European Union to drastically reduce CO2 emissions, we see that the industry is very slow to act, for many reasons: the economic situation, the uncertainty around energy prices, the complexity of the projects.

That’s why we want to guide our customers with a systems approach where you start looking at all levels how to save and green as much energy as possible. In a partnership with our customers, in other words.”

Luc Prieels
Project Development Manager
Luminus Solutions
