Energy performance contract helps Grâce-Hollogne save more than 50% energy in 4 buildings

25 April 2023


During a press conference on Friday 31 March 2023 the energy performance contract, signed in January this year between Luminus Solutions and Grâce-Hollogne as part of the RenoWatt programme, was officially launched. Thanks to the planned energy renovation, the town will save just over 50% on energy consumption and drastically reduce CO2 emissions from the 4 renovated buildings.


About seven months after the official award of the tender, a period during which the town requested and received subsidies under the Walloon recovery plan, a short-type energy performance contract was signed between Grâce-Hollogne and Luminus Solutions in January this year. Under this contract, Luminus Solutions will carry out energy renovation works in 4 municipal buildings, namely the town hall, the Wathelet sports complex, the Ecole Degive and the listed CPAS building.

With a total of almost EUR 5 million worth of energy-saving measures, Grâce-Hollogne will be able to reduce the energy consumption of the buildings concerned by more than 50%, while improving greenhouse gas emissions by 116 tonnes a year and increasing comfort for users.


A project with a positive impact on the local economy, employment and environment

The works will begin in late 2023 and include renovation of roofs, insulation of walls and replacement of windows. New heating and ventilation systems will also be installed, photovoltaic panels will be installed on the roofs and lighting will be modernised. Moreover, the control of all techniques will also be optimised.

Raoul Nihart, CEO of Luminus Solutions : « An energy performance contract allows a municipality to sustainably reduce its energy consumption in various locations. It includes a range of energy-saving works and maintenance services for which we make a long-term commitment. With such an EPC, local authorities have an effective tool in hand to meet today’s environmental challenges.»

The project will also have a positive impact on the local economy and employment. Indeed, local companies will be used to carry out the works.


RenoWatt is the facilitator of energy renovations in Wallonia. The organisation aims to help participating public authorities achieve their energy transition. RenoWatt is a one-stop shop that carries out energy audits and technical studies with a view to concluding service and contracting contracts for the renovation of public buildings, either through energy performance contracting (EPC) or design and build (D&B) contracts. RenoWatt selects renovation-worthy buildings, bundles them, initiates public tendering procedures and guides public authorities in the implementation of the projects

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