An (industrial) heat pump is mainly used to valorise waste heat from industrial processes, to bridge the ...
Automating your HVAC control is a simple way to make quick energy savings.
Companies that need a lot of heat as well as electricity benefit - economically and ecologically - from combined ...
Here, we exploit heat from a process that is otherwise too low a temperature to be usable. Precisely because this ...
Battery storage is a suitable technology for relatively short electricity storage and allows quick switching ...
Too much heat? Then you can store it for use at a later date.
Gas turbine CHPs are highly energy-efficient plants for producing steam and electricity. Despite being fossil, ...
Electric boilers (E-boilers for short) convert electrical energy into steam or hot water, reducing the use of ...
Installing a PV system is a sustainable and usually very efficient way to generate electricity and save on your ...
A Solar carport is, as the word says, a solar-powered carport! Here, a car park is literally transformed into an ...
The earth beneath our feet is full of heat. Heat that can be put to good use. That is called geothermal energy.